Camano Forest School

Camano Forest School is an outdoor, nature-based school located on Camano Island in Washington State. We are an all-weather outdoor education program that utilizes nature immersion and place-based curriculum to develop cognitive, physical and social-emotional skills in children. 

We offer outdoor education programming for preschool and school age children. Children enrolled in Camano Forest School are permitted a play-and-place-bonded experience where they can observe the dynamics of the seasons through time. In addition, our community-focused pedagogy elevates peer-to-peer relationships through stories, cooperative learning, and shared experiences. 

We are a community of children and parents learning together with the talented educators we employ. As a parent-run cooperative preschool our goal is to provide our children with a quality school experience. Families of enrolled students manage the school’s administration and maintenance, assist professional educators in the classroom on a rotating basis and participate in educating the whole student body.